Guide to SHD Levels in The Division 2:

What Are SHD Levels?

SHD Levels, or Shade Levels, are a post-level 30 progression system in Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. Once your character reaches level 30 and completes the main story, you gain access to the Endgame, where SHD Levels become a crucial aspect of character progression.

How to Earn SHD Levels:

  1. XP Gains:
    • Earn experience points (XP) by engaging in various activities, such as completing missions, side missions, control points, and other endgame content.
  2. Seasonal Activities:
    • Participate in seasonal activities introduced in The Division 2, which often provide additional XP and rewards.
  3. Global Events:
    • Take advantage of Global Events, which can offer XP bonuses during specific periods.

How SHD Levels Impact Your Character:

  1. Increased Power:
    • Each SHD Level gained grants a SHD Point, which can be spent in the SHD Watch to improve various aspects of your character’s power.
  2. SHD Watch:
    • The SHD Watch is a radial skill tree that allows you to enhance specific attributes, such as weapon damage, armor, skill efficiency, and more.
  3. Direct Upgrades:
    • SHD Points are spent directly on improvements, offering a gradual but meaningful power increase. Examples include +% Weapon Damage, +% Armor, and +% Skill Efficiency.
  4. Build Customization:
    • SHD Levels enable you to customize your character based on your preferred playstyle. You can focus on offense, defense, or skills, depending on your needs and the type of activities you engage in.
  5. Global Impact:
    • SHD Points affect your character globally, applying bonuses to all activities, including missions, open-world exploration, and PvP engagements.
  6. Endless Progression:
    • Unlike the traditional level cap, SHD Levels have no limit. As you continue to earn XP, you can keep gaining SHD Points and further enhance your character.

Tips for Maximizing SHD Level Progression:

  1. Engage in Varied Activities:
    • Participate in a mix of activities to earn XP efficiently. This includes missions, open-world events, control points, and seasonal content.
  2. Take Advantage of Events:
    • During special events or Global Events, focus on activities that offer bonus XP to maximize your gains.
  3. Complete Projects:
    • Projects in settlements and safe houses often reward XP upon completion, providing an additional source for SHD Level progression.
  4. Optimize Your Build:
    • Tailor your SHD Watch enhancements to complement your preferred playstyle and optimize your character’s build for specific activities.


SHD Levels play a vital role in the ongoing progression of your character beyond the initial level cap in The Division 2. Invest SHD Points wisely to create a powerful and specialized agent capable of tackling the challenges of the endgame content. Keep earning XP, explore new activities, and continually enhance your character’s capabilities through the SHD Watch.